Even though I thought I'd never end up doing this, I'm putting my blogging to a stop. Why?
As I've discovered more and more blogs (most of which way more successful than mine) I've come to realize mine resembles them too much. Originally, I thought my idea for this blog was fresh, but it turned out I haven't done my research. Now, mine's a shadow of the many out there and this dissatisfies me to a point where I no longer wish to continue writing it. Because of that I've decided to stop doing it for some time until I decide in what way it'd go. I have to come up with a new idea, a new schedule and find my passion for blogging again.
I do realize I have promised MojoSteph and chanyeevon they'd be featured and this will happen. Most likely, the feature dates will be the 13th and the 27th, but ultimately it depends on them, so no promises on this one.
If and when there's news to share about the life of the blog I will post. When it's finally sorted out, you'll know. For the time being, thanks to all of you who supported me and Handmade Discoveries. Keep an eye on us for the features of the awesome two artists this month!
Hope the days between your visits leave you calm and happy,
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Monday, 2 August 2010
Sharing: Photo updates! Yay!
Hey, guys!
Today's post will show you some of the new product photos I took last Friday! I'm quite happy with the outcome even though the original photos sucked really hard. All of that was thanks to my old camera that's not even near to the awesomeness of the one my partner's lending me. Super-duper macro mode? Check. Preview photos on the camera screen? Awesome. Actual picture? Way blurred. Exposure? Deadly underexposed. Focus? What's focus, m'lady? Anyway, two programs, three hours and a lot of nerves and "Which one? This one? Or the other?" thoughts later the outcome is:
Today's post will show you some of the new product photos I took last Friday! I'm quite happy with the outcome even though the original photos sucked really hard. All of that was thanks to my old camera that's not even near to the awesomeness of the one my partner's lending me. Super-duper macro mode? Check. Preview photos on the camera screen? Awesome. Actual picture? Way blurred. Exposure? Deadly underexposed. Focus? What's focus, m'lady? Anyway, two programs, three hours and a lot of nerves and "Which one? This one? Or the other?" thoughts later the outcome is:
And finally (yeah, this is the last pair), from:
Do you like them? You can check out the rest of them here and here. Well, that being done, there's only the polar collection to be rephotographed! I think I've kept the integrity, but still improved the theme feeling and the quality.
On Wednesday I'll be searching for the perfect photos! Join me in the treasure hunt for the best photographed products and finds some inspiration and a new level to aim at! Until then
Keep improving even if your motivation only lasts two days,
P.S.: I'm having second thoughts. Which ones are better? Yeah, right, I've got the "dramatic" shallowness of field and all, but are they clear enough? Can they be clear when the varnish reflects light? Am I crazy?!
Friday, 30 July 2010
Finding: Cynthia
Hello, guys!
Before I get too apologetic about missing out two posts (I had some reasons, hadn't I?), I'd like to go right to the point! Today's featured artist is Cynthia from A Tree Thing who creates stunning family trees in the loveliest colours possible! I can't wait to show you some pictures, but let's follow the rules (ain't they my rules to break?). Enjoy!
Before I get too apologetic about missing out two posts (I had some reasons, hadn't I?), I'd like to go right to the point! Today's featured artist is Cynthia from A Tree Thing who creates stunning family trees in the loveliest colours possible! I can't wait to show you some pictures, but let's follow the rules (ain't they my rules to break?). Enjoy!
- Share a bit of your story, please.
My name is Cynthia and I am a creative. hello.
Ever since I was a child I knew I wanted a future in art. Illustrator. Art teacher. Fashion Designer (no matter my taste in fashion is lacking). I ended up in advertising, an art director, and I couldn't be happier. I moved away from home for this career and as a result, I met my beloved cat Fred and my dear husband Mike.
I am a crafty person, always looking for the next DIY project. Our wedding was no exception. As a thank you to our parents, we presented family trees that I designed personally. It was fun: the research, the design and the family connections. Those family trees were two of a kind, a gift to never be repeated. But I enjoyed it so much that I have decided to continue designing family trees. And from that came A Tree Thing, an Etsy shop full of my unique family trees.
Ever since I was a child I knew I wanted a future in art. Illustrator. Art teacher. Fashion Designer (no matter my taste in fashion is lacking). I ended up in advertising, an art director, and I couldn't be happier. I moved away from home for this career and as a result, I met my beloved cat Fred and my dear husband Mike.
I am a crafty person, always looking for the next DIY project. Our wedding was no exception. As a thank you to our parents, we presented family trees that I designed personally. It was fun: the research, the design and the family connections. Those family trees were two of a kind, a gift to never be repeated. But I enjoyed it so much that I have decided to continue designing family trees. And from that came A Tree Thing, an Etsy shop full of my unique family trees.
- What place does art have in your everyday life? How do you manage to balance creativity and chores?
Art IS my everyday life. It is my job from 8-5 and my hobby from 5-8. Besides my day job as an art director, I am always on the look out for the next home decorating project or surfing the net for a new recipe. I enjoy developing my green thumb, a trial and error process for sure, and going to concerts with my husband. I enjoy movies, music, video games and books, all forms of everyday art in my everyday life. I couldn't picture a life without art.
- What is it that inspires you?
My inspiration comes from graphic design publications, DIY and crafty blogs, fabric and textures, photography and nature. But even more than all that, my inspiration comes from my coworkers, my friends and my family. Without their support, their guidance, their critiques, I would not be able to further develop my own creativity.
- What do you expect to happen to your Etsy store in the future? Where do you see yourself in one year?
I have no idea. whatsoever. If my Etsy store did so much as fund my family tree making hobby I would be the happiest creative ever. If my family trees found their way into babies' nurseries and wedding gift tables and a grandmother's family photo wall, I would jump with delight. Will they? I don't know. The journey has just begun.
- Any strategy to help you achieve your artistic goals? Would you share one tip with all new-born artists?
Ask for opinions and honest critiques of your work and don't take any of it personally (I know, it is difficult). Use it to strengthen your product and your talent.
- Anything else you'd like to say?
Thank you for the opportunity to share my story. I wish everyone luck in their creative endeavors.
Thank you, Cynthia! This has been so far the best wish I've received! More about Cynthia and her creative work and life you'll find at her blog (she sends awesome update e-mails) and by following her on Twitter!
Well, as far as my luck goes, I need tons of it to get things running faster than they would by themselves. However, this is Cynthia's special space here, so I'll leave all that stuff for Monday when I'll make sure some post gets published. And I'm off to magnet-drawing-land!
Have a nice weekend (wow, so many weekends, it gets hard to think of a wish already!) and make sure you're following whatever set your feet on a creative path!
P.S.: A better wish than all my words:
Friday, 23 July 2010
The Tip Factory: 2
Hello to all!
Today I'll start with the (preferred) post content and mingle it with some personal updates.
Five lessons I've learned this week!
- Do not neglect.
Neglecting the everyday tasks we perform is something we all know. Yes, we had more important things to do and yes, the electricity went dead and yes, our e-mails suffocated us. In the end, however, (especially if it's a long-postponed end) all the work is waiting for you right where you left it. The e-mails won't go away and so won't the blog. Even if you don't really have outer control (like subscribers f.e.), the thing that should make you get to it is the fact that coping with information (and hence learning and growing and making more money) is a process that requires time and attention. You cannot read 60 e-mails in an hour and expect to have learned all from the posts of your mentors. You also shouldn't be surprised if you missed something important or interesting, after the 15th message they all feel the same. And at the end you've waisted time to pretend you've read them all.
My advice (and a fresh and supported one) is: be strict about your daily work. Make time for it. You probably haven't done something more important in those moments anyway.
- "Eat the elephant" one bite at a time.
IttyBiz' columnist Johny Truant wrote a damn good post about learning to take small steps. Especially useful for emerging artists, this post helped me be at peace with the fact that my shop's still not what I want it to be. I thought I'm sicking at running Ammadin's, but yes, I don't know all and it's supposed to suck a bit in the beginning. The post goes especially well with the clichéd phrase "Keep calm and carry on". Learn from what went wrong and at some point you will know how to avoid it.
- Be concise.
This, however, should be no excuse. Try to be concise in your vision and your choices. Like this concise and a bit more on the top with packaging and freebies. It will make you look like a professional with the integrity needed to leave a lasting impression. And I'm not saying this as a seller, because I suck at managing my shop's integrity (but hope is lurking behind the clouds!), but as a buyer who's spend tons of time at Etsy and has remembered but a few of the sellers I've seen.
- Random: Do not use opened surveys.
Well, with my first customer there's hope for my survey to come to use. However, Naomi from IttyBiz strictly denied the use of opened answers. Why? My guess would be that people are lazy. Often, they don't know what exactly to say. Sometimes, I guess, they might not want to be honest. Thinking of that I'll revise my survey and finally come up with a way with the awesome guy who does this whole computer magic for me.
- Last (and probably mentioned here before): Rest, rejuvenate and regrow.
Today's useful place to visit:
While I've neglected my Facebook page, I intend to fix that soon. Etsy's blog has promoted this awesome Facebook post and if any of you missed it, make sure you check it out. It will guide you as to how Facebook promotion works and how it could work better.
Well, the post's grown quite long again and I'll have to think of that next time. Hope you've felt the wind of help in your sails and have reached at least the ass of the elephant. Not sure what I'm speaking of? Well, you've probably scrolled over it, so go back and be strict!
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Random Something: An apology
Hey, guys!
I'm really sorry to have missed today's post, but I'll make what's possible to find a way to post it tomorrow (if there's Internet at the hotel at all). The reason? A lovely, lovely person not only ordered a magnet, but complimented me on the shop and I finally feel the Universe has been fair! Thank you, Jodi!
Well, I've been so busy with a trip to Pleven and the first order and my parent's 20th wedding anniversary that I can't even promise any further posts until I see what's the situation in our hotel. Sorry! And you won't be having this next time! Promise!
Anyway, hope you'll have a nice week or so with much sun and cooling rain and the happiness I feel right now with my partner next to me! Wow, the lengthiness.
I'm really sorry to have missed today's post, but I'll make what's possible to find a way to post it tomorrow (if there's Internet at the hotel at all). The reason? A lovely, lovely person not only ordered a magnet, but complimented me on the shop and I finally feel the Universe has been fair! Thank you, Jodi!
Well, I've been so busy with a trip to Pleven and the first order and my parent's 20th wedding anniversary that I can't even promise any further posts until I see what's the situation in our hotel. Sorry! And you won't be having this next time! Promise!
Anyway, hope you'll have a nice week or so with much sun and cooling rain and the happiness I feel right now with my partner next to me! Wow, the lengthiness.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Sharing: A life in pictures
Morning! (Well, technically it's noon.)
I seem to have more to blog about than the space I allow myself per post (although last Monday's was pretty lengthy). So, today I'll show and not tell (a popular creative writing formula) about what's happening in my kitchen. Apart from computer gaming and drinking shamefully large amounts of ice tea.
I seem to have more to blog about than the space I allow myself per post (although last Monday's was pretty lengthy). So, today I'll show and not tell (a popular creative writing formula) about what's happening in my kitchen. Apart from computer gaming and drinking shamefully large amounts of ice tea.
- Knitting: my first finished... thing with my own handmade buttons!
- My first shop themed ACEO from draft to completion:
- My first ever stamp and the few that followed:
And it's pretty much that. Guess without the talking that's a pretty short post, but at its end I have to share that I'm thinking of some way to get more followers for my blog. I was thinking of something like "Get a friend to follow, earn yourself a magnet" but am not quite sure how this might end for me financially. I was also considering doing a normal give-away like all the blog I read, but will see to that. I still have to take new pictures of the polar, farm and family magnets, but I'll get to that soon (hopefully).
What do you think of the two give-away ideas? Have any tips for bringing more followers? I'd love to hear from you, guys! On Wednesday you'll be looking at 10 fresh Etsy finds grouped around a surprise theme! (Meaning I haven't thought of it yet.)
Until then remember to keep yourself motivated and well-fed in order to bloom creatively,
Friday, 16 July 2010
Finding: Monique
Hello, guys!
Today I'm quite excited as the artist we'll get to know is enthusiastic, driven and (well, yes, for me as a blogger this is a huge thing) punctual! Meet Monique from HoneyBliss and tune your reading senses for some fresh creations with a solid story behind their backs!
It was only in late 2005 that I started sewing after tagging along with my mom to take sewing lessons at a lady’s house. My mom used to sew a lot – clothing for herself and for my sister and I – but she had stopped for a while and wanted to get back into it. I was learning for the first time. I actually really enjoyed it and since I was never really good at shopping this way I would have clothing that I really wanted. So I made myself a new wardrobe all the while getting better. I had stumbled upon Etsy but never thought that I would make clothes for others. But once my skills improved and I felt that I was at a level where I could sell clothing, it was only natural for me to try to turn it into a business. In that way, Honey Bliss was born!
Today I'm quite excited as the artist we'll get to know is enthusiastic, driven and (well, yes, for me as a blogger this is a huge thing) punctual! Meet Monique from HoneyBliss and tune your reading senses for some fresh creations with a solid story behind their backs!
- Share a bit of your story, please.
I was born in Miami but grew up here in Toronto, Canada. I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit and been very creative. In middle school I’ve made greeting cards, bookmarks, shaved pencils and repainted them with decorations, made comic books, made jewelry…all with the intentions of selling them. I would sell a few then move on to the next project.
- What place does art have in your everyday life? How do you manage to balance creativity and chores?
Art/fashion design has a major part. I’m always on the lookout for interesting and inspiring things. I always look at, borrow from the library or buy fashion magazines and frequent fashion websites.
I am still trying to be balanced. I tend to neglect certain things (chores, friends) when I’m hard at work on a project. What I try to do now is allot only a certain amount of hours to working on my line.
- What is it that inspires you?
Nature! Nature is a big inspiration to me. I absolutely love summer because that is when everything is sooo beautiful. The sun brightly shining in the sky illuminating everything, making the grass greener, the flowers more vibrant. The sunsets are gorgeous, painting the sky a blend of orange, purple, red. Even a stormy or dark gloomy day is beautiful. The trees seem to be more emerald against the puffy grey sky. The flutter of a butterfly, decaying wood, flowers…I am inspired by anything and practically everything in the summer. So nature most definitely is my biggest inspiration.
- What do you expect to happen to your Etsy store in the future? Where do you see yourself in one year?
I would love to be a source of inspiration. I sell one-off pieces that I like to think will guarantee individuality when someone wears it. So I would want to be the go to shop for fashion enthusiasts who love to buy unique clothing. Even to have people frequenting my shop just to look around and be inspired. I’ve only just recently started, so I have a long way to go.
Any strategy to help you achieve your artistic goals? Would you share one tip with all new-born artists?
I used to go with my gut when creating a piece of clothing. I would be so excited to make it that I wouldn’t take time out to write steps as to how I would complete the garment. Then I would make mistakes and waste time trying to fix it. So I try my best to calm down before starting a project (haha) and plan out and write/draw the patterns I need, step by step instructions on how to construct it etc. I find that saves me a lot of time and I tend to finish the garment much faster since I’ve already practically made it in my head while planning.
One tip that I would like to share is never give up. I know it’s a common rule of thumb, but it’s so true. If you’re passionate about something, keep at it. You may not see results right away, but if you keep working hard you are bound to see the fruits of your labour!
Anything else you'd like to say?
Just want to thank you Bilyana for doing a feature on me! I am honoured. J
Thank you, Monique, for sharing your insights and showing the right attitude for a young Etsian! You've reminded me how I should behave and believe in myself not just for the first two weeks. For more updates on Monique's work and life visit her blog and keep an eye on her Etsy shop for unique clothing and accessories!
Hoe you've enjoyed and benefited from today's post. Again, I just have to thank Monique for the punctuality and serious attitude and I'll hope there are more eager sellers out there waiting to be featured in this small blog. I'll be on a vacation fro next Thursday, but the blog will be kept alive and hopefully by a live me depending on the availability of an Internet connection. On Monday I'll show you what's kept me busy (well, apart from my computer game) and so might you as well via my rarely used comment section!
Until then, have a nice and sunny weekend (hopefully with the presence of Chinese food),
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Treasure Hunting: Might & Magic
As I've mentioned previously I'm playing a game called Dragon Age: Origins. Well, it has sucked me in so badly that today's treasure hunting is inspired by the three classes of heroes it has! Here goes:
As I've mentioned previously I'm playing a game called Dragon Age: Origins. Well, it has sucked me in so badly that today's treasure hunting is inspired by the three classes of heroes it has! Here goes:
- Warrior
Nothing better than a simple sword. With hidden bonuses. And a sharp edge.
The beautiful dance of war <3
- Mage
The Spellbook. I'm drooling.
- The Rogue
For poison-hiding purposes only.
Grand finale!
Not that I need more reasons to go back to playing in two minutes, but if I did, I would! The game's helped a lot, because I was way too focused on my shop and the whole affair resembled an overly strained string. Today I even made an ACEO and my first ever rubber stamp (more about that on Monday) without thinking too much about the deadness of my shop! I know things won't miraculously happen, so I'm all patience and continuous work now. Today's shoot was prevented by the freezing of my props in the freezer, but, hopefully, till Monday I'll be done and bragging about it! Visit Handmade Discoveries on Friday to meet a new fresh artist with unique experience, tips and creative forces!
Until then have a magical Thursday,
Monday, 12 July 2010
Sharing: Uppers, downers.
Hello, guys,
I'm keeping this post short, because keeping the tone positive during this whole time has been an effort I wouldn't want to spoil now. I've been feeling down recently and today's no different. Anyway, I'll do some knitting and then maybe paint some ACEOs and return to my newest virtual life at Dragon Age: Origins. Let me just announce the existence of the Fridge monster's group:
I'm keeping this post short, because keeping the tone positive during this whole time has been an effort I wouldn't want to spoil now. I've been feeling down recently and today's no different. Anyway, I'll do some knitting and then maybe paint some ACEOs and return to my newest virtual life at Dragon Age: Origins. Let me just announce the existence of the Fridge monster's group:
Well, sorry if I disappointed even one of you few readers of mine, I will make up for that once I recharge my batteries.
Have a nice day,
Friday, 9 July 2010
The Tip Factory: 1
Hey, guys!
As this blog is a "learn-as-you-go" project for me, I've decided last night that I'll be introducing a new section here. The Tip Factory will be comprised of posts, each with two parts:
- 5 lessons I've learned this week.
- 1 useful place to visit.
Don't worry, the Finding section will be continued but on an "an-artist-every-second-week" basis. The reasons are the following:
- An artist a week is a bit overwhelming, not just for me, but, I figured, for the readers.
- It's also a bit overwhelming for the artists themselves. Giving them time to think over their answers is never a negative thing.
- New artists provide a special kind of support, but it's somewhat limited. Tips from other experienced/professionally teaching people will contribute towards the full development of this help center.
Let's begin!
Five lessons I've learned this week!
- Photoshop is your friend:
Photoshop IS your friend. It's perfect for the small touches that don't make a Difference. I think you have to draw the line whenever you feel tempted to do something on top of the part with your actual product or when your goal outgrows your skills. I attempted to something that was beyond my skills and, unfortunately (or maybe not?), it was deleted hastily from my computer. However, I still keep the original of my more successful Photoshop editing enterprise.Compare:
As you can see, I haven't changed that much (upper right corner switches and table shadow), but I think the second photo's much better!
- The color wheel's your friend.
An e-mail lesson regarding photography mentioned how a red truck would be redder if it was against a green forest than in front of a grey concrete wall. This tip made me think of how colorful products could be enhanced by their background and the result (although not so successful thanks to the really gloomy day) is the following two pictures to compare:
Way yellower, although I personally dislike the second photo.
- Schedule ahead...
Do schedule ahead! Scheduling is more than a way of organizing and not forgetting to do important things. It gives you some perspective on what is actually important and helps you identify your goals in a shorter and longer term. If you're like me - a person who only does to-do lists in order to not fulfill them, I'd recommend skipping the strict hour-by-hour scheduling and instead doing a plainer tasks-identifying list.
- ...but never panic!
Scheduling doesn't mean doing everything at all cost. Do NOT forget to eat. Or get some proper sleep. Everyday I make myself a list with tasks with the clear knowledge that the Earth won't explode if I don't finish all of them off. There are many more important things than listing a new product or writing a blog post (ironic, yeah). The first and most important of them being to keep yourself happy if you want your enterprises to function properly.
- Improvise.
Sounds clichéd, but I've come to realize it's an easy thing to forget. Ever since I've decided to be a "professional" I've started thinking less creatively and more conventionally. I've started buying more "professionally" manufactured products with less and less personality. Who cares if your fridge-model has no faults? It's way more exciting to do things yourself and make them Your creations. Do not misunderstand me, I love perfect items almost as much as handmade ones, but there has to be a balance between what you sacrifice in order to look more professional and what you'd do to calm your hand-making-fever.
Today's Useful place to visit:
Photography Tips and Techniques - This site is awesome. I've subscribed and read all their e-mails and combined with my other photography book, you can see how they've helped me:
Well, that's that for this week! I hope you'll find these tips useful and if you have any other problematic topics you need some assistance with, you can always join me in the musings. On Monday I'll share all the new photos I have, although I've leaked some today!
Have a relaxing and tasty weekend (lunch time now!),
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Treasure Hunting: Top 10 wristlets on my wishlist!
Hello there!
Today's post will be a Top 10, because I absolutely love charts! I suffer from a (strictly controlled) excessively competitive spirit and Top Somethings always excite me even if they're about football players or restaurants! Combined with my top-loving nature is my wish to buy myself a wristlet after realizing they're way more comfortable and almost as cheap as my bank account would like them to be! No further comments, this way to the top!
Today's post will be a Top 10, because I absolutely love charts! I suffer from a (strictly controlled) excessively competitive spirit and Top Somethings always excite me even if they're about football players or restaurants! Combined with my top-loving nature is my wish to buy myself a wristlet after realizing they're way more comfortable and almost as cheap as my bank account would like them to be! No further comments, this way to the top!
From pages 1-100 and 449-549 the winners are:
Wish I was a purse-addict and had an excuse to take them all! But, the hands-on training on future bill-paying responsibility-taking has begun and all I'll do is watch drooling. However, go claim them if you love them, I'll envy you from afar!
Join me on Friday for the next interview with a fresh Etsy seller! Oh, and check out my brand new Facebook page! Do you have any suggestions or wishes regarding a Handmade Top? Do comment to see them come true!
Thanks for reading once again and hope you'll have a nice couple of days,
Monday, 5 July 2010
Sharing: New Designs and more!
Howdy, guys!
I'm really excited at the moment, because I've done some things I've wanted to do/to make myself do! But, let me start properly or you'll be lost in rumble from the beginning of this post!
Here I've had it difficult cutting the picture from its original background. No shop name, just some strange "Strange Bears" in the middle. The red sticks? No idea.
I'm really excited at the moment, because I've done some things I've wanted to do/to make myself do! But, let me start properly or you'll be lost in rumble from the beginning of this post!
- New Etsy banner!
Well, my old banner had a great idea behind it. I made magnets and wanted my banner to reflect that they're an Etsy special, they're perfect for gift-giving and that sharing is an essential part of having a magnet (you do share fridges, right?). I'm still a banner newbie and will probably be one forever, but compared to my older creations, this one ruled! Let me just walk you through:
From the artificial tea stains to the murder-tiny shop name, this banner is... strange.

Compared to the previous two, this one had some story, some colors, an actual mentioning of my shop's name. Well, I was absolutely happy with it!
Then, however, something in Etsy messed with the banner (and, as it turned out, not only with mine). The bad quality pissed me off, but no matter the change, it still was worse than the original I viewed on my monitor. I decided to live with it as I had nothing better or new.
However, once I started designing the new magnets, the banner was no longer functional. It didn't show my current products, didn't fit the color scheme, was just a remnant of my old idea. So today, finally!, I made myself a new one! It's nothing fancy, just the banner for me at the moment as it's simple and says all I could want it to. I'm more of a fan of clean subtle reminders than of rich and eye-popping once (although they have their benefits) and this is what I ended with:
Won't say more, because the excitement is draining my work-energy! I've reached the 51.8 kilos when hungry! And that was totally random! But adds up to the explanation of why I feel so happy recently! Although I while occasionally, in general this has been and still is the happiest time of 2010 up until now! There aren't many things that could outgrow it, probably just a home to move into with my partner and my own working space in it! Anyway.
- New designs!
I've been trying to design a new collection of five magnets for the past three days and without much success. I felt creatively empty and it was quite irritating. However, as the size and type of magnet creates some limitations to my brainstorming process, I decided to stick to the old way that brought me so far - be inspired by what is! The main concept came from a totally random mentioning of fridge monsters and ever since I've wanted to create a whole group with a story revolving around the customer's fridge! Won't explain more, will comment under the drafts:
The monster that always drinks the orange juice was one of the easier ones. I thought that drinking monsters ought to have a mosquito-like mouths and fat orange bellies, but as you can see the initial drawing sucked. Oh, by the way, ignore the abbreviations, I use them to express my own dismay at what is born from my head. So, instead of and insect monster, I decided to make it fly, because juice bottles are kept high on the door. It also has all those teeth so that it can hold onto the bottle and drink without spilling (a clean monster that is). Surprisingly, it's orange.
The second monster was the meat-monster. A list of failings! A thought teeth are a must, but didn't really add anything else and the results were kind of lame. Oh, and see the pig-monster? If a monster became what it ate, then you'd have a really ugly magnet! The hot-dog monster?! Ahem, let's proceed!
Okay, I don't know why Blogger hates me that much! Every time I write a post something goes wrong! Can you, please, rotate your monitor? I think this is more of a beta design than it is finished because I'd probably have some difficulties in the positioning on the tile. No nose won.
Then followed the vegetable-fruit-monster. You can see all sorts of messed-up creatures, most noticeably the right one on the first row. The single on from the second row is a guest design by my partner's little cousin! Said it was a pumpkin monster! The final design, as you can see, is inspired by peacocks. It will be green and leafy, as all vegetables... are?
I think that at this point I was a bit despaired and that's why they came quickly to me. The sweets-monster is the big-nosed sugar-producing dog-like thing, that snuffs and rejects everything that has no sugar in it! It's not quite a monster, but I've grown fond of it, because it's kind of sad, so I'm keeping it! The last one is the garbage-monster. Yes, we all leave stuff and forget about them and then comes the garbage-monster! Eats everything straight away! Kind of reminds me of my partner!
We'll see what happens next with these! I'll probably get to draw them on magnets today and will start listing them shortly after! I'll be finishing this post, because a) it's way too long and b) my lunch is already cold and c) if I don't, I'll have to tell you about way more things that you'd have the wish or time to hear about. I'll end it with the remark that magnets seem not to be a self-sufficient category for a shop. I've went through many Etsy shops with magnets and even one of the top 10 Housewares selling shop has less than 15 views on magnets. I've started thinking about wider/deeper product line (still haven't grasped the difference), but more about that and the other stuff, new Monday! On Wednesday I'll be looking for fancy wristlets as my once-in-a-while Etsy shopping time has come! Join me and enjoy the pure beauties Etsians create!
Have a nice lunch/dinner/breakfast and hope you've felt some of the happiness to keep you alive till Wednesday,
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