Monday, 2 August 2010

Sharing: Photo updates! Yay!

Hey, guys!

Today's post will show you some of the new product photos I took last Friday! I'm quite happy with the outcome even though the original photos sucked really hard. All of that was thanks to my old camera that's not even near to the awesomeness of the one my partner's lending me. Super-duper macro mode? Check. Preview photos on the camera screen? Awesome. Actual picture? Way blurred. Exposure? Deadly underexposed. Focus? What's focus, m'lady? Anyway, two programs, three hours and a lot of nerves and "Which one? This one? Or the other?" thoughts later the outcome is:



And finally (yeah, this is the last pair), from:

Do you like them? You can check out the rest of them here and here. Well, that being done, there's only the polar collection to be rephotographed! I think I've kept the integrity, but still improved the theme feeling and the quality.

On Wednesday I'll be searching for the perfect photos! Join me in the treasure hunt for the best photographed products and finds some inspiration and a new level to aim at! Until then

Keep improving even if your motivation only lasts two days,


P.S.: I'm having second thoughts. Which ones are better? Yeah, right, I've got the "dramatic" shallowness of field and all, but are they clear enough? Can they be clear when the varnish reflects light? Am I crazy?!


  1. haha.. but I really like the first one. It brings out your cute little character...

  2. If you're the one saying it, I'm all ears! I do agree, the new ones feel more homely and that's their most important characteristic. It's just my thing: do something-get nervous-end up knowing that's your best. Now's the time to reach a new best, I guess.



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